PUBLICATIONS — December 21, 2020 [Research Paper] The innovative potential and social co-production in urban regeneration solutions
NEWS COVERAGE, Nantes — December 1, 2020 [NANTES 🇫🇷] Les thématiques du projet URBiNAT au programme de la Fête de la Science 2020
NEWS COVERAGE, Nantes — November 26, 2020 [In the News 🇫🇷] Nature at the heart of the renovation of the district of Nantes Nord Nantes, European Capital of Innovation 2019, is constantly reinventing itself and experimenting to bring its inhabitants well-being and social cohesion. Its participation in the European Urbinat programme, which aims to bring nature back to the city, is proof of this. It is in the Quartier Nantes Nord that plants could soon be in full bloom.
PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — November 18, 2020 [Research Paper 🇪🇺] Integrating URBiNAT research project’s results into the planning system of Sofia Municipality ABSTRACT: This report summarizes the key challenges faced by the UACEG team during the implementation of activities in the URBiNAT co-creation process of the Healthy Corridor in Nadezhda district in Sofia. Important links between the healthy corridor plan and the changing planning system in-between two planning and programming periods have been discussed.
PUBLICATIONS, Porto — October 25, 2020 [Conference Paper] An inclusive urban project for healthy cities ABSTRACT:  With the advent and rapid dissemination of the COVID 19 corona virus the world has found itself living in a new reality, one which has, to a great extent, revealed a different face of globalization, in which we are all connected by a network that goes far beyond that of the virtual world.
NEWS COVERAGE, Siena — October 23, 2020 [SIENA 🇮🇹] Urban planning to connect urban and green areas in district Ravacciano (URBiNAT intervention area)
NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia — October 22, 2020 [SOFIA 🇧🇬] Plans for the creation of a Healthy Corridor in district of Nadezhda discussed in radio interview
CONFERENCE, NEWS COVERAGE, Nantes — October 21, 2020 [In the News 🇫🇷 ] EU!Radio interview with Giovanni Allegretti during Nantes Innovation Forum
CONFERENCE — October 21, 2020 [Conference 🇪🇺] URBiNAT methods & concepts discussed during Greening Cities, Shaping Cities