
URBiNAT Videos

URBiNAT Video Archive

Many videos have been produced as part of the URBiNAT  project, showcasing the project’s aims, concepts, and methodologies, and recording different moments in the co-creation of Healthy Corridors. Videos have been produced by the different technical partners and city representatives of the URBiNAT consortium.

They give a flavour of the multiplicity and diversity of actions that were taken with citizens across Europe – and beyond – as part of the co-selection of NBS and the co-creation of Healthy Corridors.

URBiNAT Documentary

For nearly 6 years URBiNAT was focused on the co-creation of ‘Healthy Corridors’, connecting underserved city district with the centres of economic and cultural activity by means of Nature-Based Solutions. From the districts of Campanhã (Porto), Nantes Nord (Nantes), and Nadezhda (Sofia),

to the collaborative efforts in our Follower Cities – Siena, Nova Gorica, Høje Taastrup, Brussels, and Khorramabad – URBiNAT harnessed the power of community engagement, and the potential of Nature-Based Solutions, to co-create a more inclusive form urban living.

Enjoy the full-length film documenting the URBiNAT journey:

3-Minute mini-documentary which recaps the aims, methods and key achievements of the URBiNAT project (2018 to 2024):

Aims, Concepts and Methodologies

At the heart of URBiNAT is the goal of co-creating healthier, more inclusive, and sustainable urban environments. To illustrate our vision, URBiNAT consortium members came together in the early stages of the project to produce this animated video which serves as an introduction to the project’s aims, key concepts, and methods.

Produced in several languages this video was used widely in our digital media communication strategy. Its deployment across various online platforms helped in foster engagement and spreading awareness about our shared vision of a healthier, greener urban future with nature-based solutions.

This film is also available in French, Italian and Portuguese, For more about the aims, concepts and methodologies of the URBiNAT project visit our Homepage

URBiNAT City Highlights

URBiNAT Follower Cities – Citizen Testimonials

URBiNAT Documentary Part 1 – Follower Cities

URBiNAT Documentary Part 2 – Frontrunner Cities

URBiNAT Documentary Part 3 – Khorramabad

Porto 🇵🇹

As an URBiNAT frontrunner city, Porto held numerous activities designed to raise awareness about the project and actively engage the citizens of the main intervention ares, the district of Campanhã, in co-creation processes.

Many events were documented and recorded offering a glimpse into the city’s journey of urban transformation.

URBiNAT – Vamos criar juntos! / Let’s co-create together! District of Campanhã, Porto

In 2019, public events held in Porto to kick-start the co-creation of a  URBiNAT Healthy Corridor were captured in this video, produced by our scientific partners at the University of Coimbra. The video highlights the collaborative ethos at the heart of the URBiNAT. It features some of the senior city planners and influential politicians, whose insights, leadership, and commitment have contributed to its success.

But it also shows how events and activities were designed to captivate the imaginations of the youth and even the youngest in society. Their voices, dreams, and aspirations played a crucial role in shaping the Healthy Corridor.  The video attempts to show the vibrant hopes of Porto’s next generation, all converging towards a sustainable and inclusive urban vision.

Dreams for a Healthy Corridor in the district of Campanhã, Porto / Sonhos para um corredor saudável em Campanhã, Porto

Kick-off event, Campanhã, Porto

Documentary: Kick-off event, Campanhã, Porto

Official Opening of the URBiNAT Healthy Corridor, February 2024

Nantes 🇫🇷

Nantes Frontrunner City – The URBiNAT Healthy Corridor / Boucle Verte

Interview with an urban farmer in the district of Nantes Nord

Sofia 🇧🇬

Høje-Taastrup 🇩🇰

Nova Gorica 🇸🇮

Plans for the co-creation of a Healthy Corridor along the course of the river Koren Oživimo območje ob Kornu s pomočjo mednarodnega projekta URBiNAT

Siena 🇮🇹

URBiNAT Technical Meeting, Siena, October 2020

Co-Creation Methods & Tools

EU-funded project URBiNAT calls on youth to engage in co-creating sustainable and greener cities

Super Barrio – 3D immersion into neighbourhoods to assist in the co-creation of Healthy Corridors

3D Virtual Immersion in Porto Healthy Corridor Intervention Area

Read our related blogpost HERE