Ethics & Gender Issues
Gender Balance and Ethical Principles
The URBiNAT Consortium has adopted a collaborative model to define a set of ethical principles and values. These seek to promote integrity and gender sensitivity in all of its practices.
Ethics Commission
The Ethics Commission of the URBiNAT project is an independent and multidisciplinary advisory body that supports the Steering Committee’s activities, focusing on the compliance of ethical principles (integrity, equity, human dignity, transparency, among others), intermediation and resolution of conflicts when necessary. The Commission is composed by one member from each country of the cities involved in the project, totalling seven members, plus one ad hoc member. All members have been chosen in accordance with the criteria and considering also their gender, country and Europe region of origin in order to promote balance at all levels.
Ethics Commissioners
- Yves Cabannes (France), Emeritus Professor of Development Planning at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit of the University College London
- Annalisa Casini (Belgium), Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain
- Maya Grekova (Bulgaria), Professor at Department of Sociology, University of Sofia
- Patrizia Messina (Italy), Professor of Political Science, University of Padova
- Lucija Ažman Momirski (Slovenia), Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
- Abbas Akhoundi (Iran), Member ad hoc – Associate Professor of University of Tehran, Faculty of World Studies
- Antonio Tavares (Portugal), Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho | Adjunct Associate Professor at United Nations University EGOV
- Lisa Rosén Rasmussen (Denmark), Associate Professor, Department of Education, Aarhus University
D1.4: Ethical Principles Guidelines. Composition of the Ethics Commission and Submission of Additional Requirements RESTRICTED
This report has the main objectives of reviewing the URBiNAT ethical principles (D. 1.4), presenting the preliminary version of attributes and indicators for monitoring and evaluation, and establishing the composition of the Ethics Commission. Also, includes the articulation with other deliverables of WP 1, as D.1.6, and WP8, namely D.8.1., 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4, dedicated to the ethics requirements/approvals.
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D1.5: Compilation and Analysis of Human Rights and Gender Issues
The present deliverable D1.5 is the first report aimed at compiling and analysing human rights and gender issues in the scope of URBiNAT's planning, implementation and evalutation of activities, covering the first year of the project, from June 2018 to May 2019.
D1.6: Preliminary ethical guidelines, and communication and reporting procedures RESTRICTED
This document is composed by a set of preliminary ethical guidelines that should guide the whole project´s development and implementation; and by the establishment of general communication and reporting procedures between consortium members/partners, including their frequency, style and the set of rules that must conduct communication practices among partners and the reporting system to the project coordination.
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URBiNAT's General Ethical Principles
.. promotion in the project
.. as ideal for all the process
.. for people’s dignity
Social inclusion, tolerance & respect
.. for people’s dignity
.. to ensure the effective engagement
.. to eliminate forms of subordination, oppression and discrimination
.. to foster effectiveness of social participation
The principles and ethical guidelines of the URBiNAT project will be regularly updated, adding new elements or clarity whenever necessary, or local contexts require.
Contact Us
If you have any questions that concern the URBiNAT project’s ethical code of conduct, don’t hesitate to contact our Ethics Team: ethics at urbinat.eu
You can also write to us at:
Center for Social Studies – CES | University of Coimbra
Colégio S. Jerónimo – Apartado 3087 – 3000-995 Coimbra – Portugal