NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia — June 19, 2020 [SOFIA 🇧🇬]Екипите на УАСГ и Столична община ви канят на изложба на открито и дискусия, посветени на проекта за изграждането на зелен коридор в столичния район “Надежда”
PUBLICATIONS — June 18, 2020 [Research Paper 🇪🇺] Integrating biophotovoltaic and cyber-physical technologies into a 3D printed wall ABSTRACT: The research presented in this paper investigates the development of ``3D printed ceramic green wall'', a technological Nature Based Solution (NBS) aimed at regenerating urban areas by improving spatial quality and sustainability through clean and autonomous energy production. Building upon previous research, the challenge of this system is to adapt additive manufacturing processes of ceramic 3D printing with biophotovoltaic systems while simultaneously developing digital and cyber-physical frameworks to generate site and user responsive design and autonomous solutions that optimize system performance and energy generation.
NEWS COVERAGE, Nantes — June 16, 2020 [In the News 🇫🇷] URBiNAT Front Runner City Nantes launches “Nantes Food Landscapes” project to combat food insecurity
NEWS COVERAGE, Porto — June 11, 2020 [PORTO 🇵🇹] Evento online para apresentar o processo e os primeiros resultado do projeto URBiNAT para Campanhã
NEWS COVERAGE, Nantes — May 15, 2020 [NANTES 🇫🇷] How the residents of Nantes Nord are engaged in the planning of a Healthy Corridor
COVID-19 — May 6, 2020 [Covid-19 🇵🇹] VIDEO: COVID-19 is heightening our preceptions of how access to public spaces affects the physical, social and mental health of citizens
NEWS COVERAGE — May 6, 2020 [In the News 🇩🇰] The SLA – Copenhagen Strategic Development Plan meets the Healthy Corridor