PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — March 26, 2021 [Research Paper 🇧🇬] Urban morphology and mobility patterns- myths and real-life transformations of a large housing estate in Sofia Newly published academic paper discussing the long-term urban planning impacts on the urban morphology and mobility patterns in the large housing estates designed and built at the periphery of Sofia in the period 1960-1990
PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — January 1, 2021 [Research Paper 🇧🇬] SOFIA: Sustainable management of open public space in a large housing estate in Sofia ABSTRACT: Designed as social space according to CIAM principles in the second half of the 20th century, the open public space in the large housing estates in the periphery of Sofia was transformed for the recent 30 years due to the changing socio-economic, political, and cultural conditions. The broad open spaces have been adapting to the arising societal demands, changing lifestyles and mixed uses by accommodating competing or complementary uses, generating new activities or “waiting” update or re-design.
CONFERENCE, PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — December 30, 2020 [Conference paper] Urban Morphology and Mobility Patterns: Myths and Real-Life Transformations of a Large housing Estate in Sofia
PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — November 18, 2020 [Research Paper 🇪🇺] Integrating URBiNAT research project’s results into the planning system of Sofia Municipality ABSTRACT: This report summarizes the key challenges faced by the UACEG team during the implementation of activities in the URBiNAT co-creation process of the Healthy Corridor in Nadezhda district in Sofia. Important links between the healthy corridor plan and the changing planning system in-between two planning and programming periods have been discussed.
PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — August 18, 2020 [Research Paper 🇧🇬] SOFIA: Urban morphology and mobility partners ABSTRACT: The paper discusses the long-term urban planning impacts on the urban morphology and mobility patterns in the large housing estates designed and built at the periphery of Sofia in the period 1960-1990 and undergoing continuous transformations under the changing political, demographic, sociocultural and economic conditions in the country since 1990s.
PUBLICATIONS, Nantes, Porto, Sofia — January 24, 2020 [Report] URBiNAT Frontrunner Cities achieve important milestone with publication of their Diagnostic Reports Edited versions of these documents which are suitable for public consultation will soon be available in the Resources section of the URBiNAT Website. Stay tuned!