NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ March 26, 2024 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Greenhouse Opening in the district of Nadezhda in Sofia The official opening ceremony of the greenhouse classroom in the courtyard of the 15th Highchool Adam Mickiewicz on 14 March.
NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ March 15, 2024 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Educational greenhouse under the URBiNAT project opened Sofia's educational greenhouse and green classroom designed by IAAC open to the public.
NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ October 31, 2023 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Interview with the District Mayor of Nadezhda (Sofia), Dimitar Dimov Dimitar Dimov: "In URBiNAT, the residents of "Nadezhda" became active participants in the new look of the city."
NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ October 12, 2023 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Sofia: Construction of Green Corridor of Health in โNadezhdaย โ in full force News article from Bulgaria on the ongoing construction of the Green Healthy Corridor in the "Nadezhda" district
NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ September 14, 2023 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] The “Green Corridor of Health” project has been launched The opening of the construction site and the ground-breaking ceremony for the future "Green Square", part of the URBiNAT "Green Healthy Corridor". A report by Radio Sofia.
NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ July 20, 2023 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Sofia: An ambitious project to connect two parks in the capital A conversation between URBiNAT partner Velin Kirov and Radio Sofia. A report by Radio Sofia.
NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ March 1, 2022 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] A school in the capital’s Nadezhda district with a greenhouse and a green classroom A green classroom and a greenhouse will be built in the courtyard of 15 Adam Mickiewicz Secondary School in the Nadezhda district of the capital. The project was created by the University of Architecture in Barcelona, the district administration said.
NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ June 29, 2021 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Tender announced for contractor of the project “Green Health Corridor, Nadezhda District,” Sofia
NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia โ June 23, 2021 [In the News ๐ง๐ฌ] Residents of the district of Nadezhda (Sofia) give ideas as part of URBiNAT co-creation events Residents of Nadezhda district give ideas and want to participate in the URBiNAT project