NBS, NBS Policy, PUBLICATIONS, WHITE PAPER — September 5, 2021 [Policy Handbook ] Evaluating the impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A summary for policy makers A new handbook on impact evaluation summarises the experiences of the NBS H2020 projects. Co-edited by and with numerous contributions from URBiNAT partners this publication provides a high-level summary of the detailed information available in Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners.
NBS Policy, PUBLICATIONS, WHITE PAPER — September 5, 2021 [Policy Handbook ] Evaluating the impact of Nature-based Solutions: Appendix of Methods Co-produced by URBiNAT, this Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NBS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas
NBS, NBS Policy, PUBLICATIONS, WHITE PAPER — September 5, 2021 [Policy Handbook ] Evaluating the impact of Nature-based Solutions: a handbook for practitioners A new handbook on impact evaluation summarises the experiences of the NBS H2020 projects. URBiNAT is proud to be one of 17 EU-funded projects that collaborated for this wide-ranging publication.
NBS, Brussels — September 3, 2021 [Brussels ] Oct. 15, 2021: Walkthrough in district of URBiNAT intervention neighbourhood, Neder-Over-Heembeek Dans le cadre du projet européen URBiNAT, et en partenariat avec l’asbl la Promenade Verte – Groene Wandeling de Neder-Over-Heembeek, nous proposons une balade à travers ce quartier riche en histoires et présents agricoles divers. Cette balade ce terminera à la Maison de la Création, où nous pourrons enchaîner avec le ciné-club thématique “Clap ! Bio”.
HUMAN RIGHTS & GENDER — August 25, 2021 [Human Rights & Gender] Towards a rights-based approach for an inclusive urban regeneration with nature-based solutions Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) aims at making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, and is grounded in international human rights standards.
COVID-19 — August 3, 2021 [Blog] Reflections on reaching Herd Immunity in a time of combined health & climate emergencies URBiNAT Work Package Leader for Citizen Engagement in Support of NBS reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on the project.
NEWS COVERAGE, Porto — July 30, 2021 [In the News ] Projeto do futuro Parque da Alameda de Cartes apresentado em Reunião de Executivo The green area to be created in the eastern part of the city is based on the consolidation of people's needs, both in terms of pedestrian mobility and in terms of intervention in the green infrastructure, giving priority to Nature-Based Solutions.
NEWS COVERAGE, Porto — July 9, 2021 [In the News ] Como combater o estigma nos bairros sociais O modelo tradicional dos bairros sociais está ultrapassado, e há muito que se percebeu que não favorece a integração das pessoas mais vulneráveis. Muitos países já abandonaram a velha fórmula. Mas em Portugal ainda é essa a solução dominante. Há, no entanto, uma nova lógica para a habitação pública, que passa pelo maior envolvimento dos moradores nas decisões e em programas específicos para essas populações.
NEWS COVERAGE, Sofia — June 29, 2021 [In the News ] Tender announced for contractor of the project “Green Health Corridor, Nadezhda District,” Sofia