
[3rd Party Conference] Cities as Social-Ecological Systems Poznan, July 2021

July 7, 2021

Scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers interested in relations between socioeconomic and ecological components of urban systems are invited to attend The 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology 2020/21.

Following conferences in Berlin (2013) and in Shanghai (2016) 2021 conference will be held in Poznań, Poland. The conference program covers a wide range of topics related to urban ecological aspects and social components interdependencies in cities.


Themes in connection with URBiNAT:

  • The metabolism of urban ecosystems
  • Ecosystem services of all ecosystem types – data, indicators, bundles, synergies and trade-offs
  • Biodiversity in urban areas
  • Social awareness of urban ecosystems
  • Ecology of degraded areas
  • Life quality in cities
  • Green infrastructure in the urban areas
  • Nature based solutions for cities
  • Urban water planning
  • Waste management in urban social ecological systems
  • Food production in cities – urban agriculture
  • Developing of low-carbon cities
  • Dynamics of urban landscapes
  • Cities between sprawl and compaction
  • Urban development versus sustainability
  • Urban transition towards the eco-cities
  • Urbanization and its changes in global perspective
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation in cities
  • Smart Cities
  • Nature protection in urban areas

The following scientific journals offer special issues for the conference contributions:

Please note submission dates:

  • Ecosystem services: 15 December 2020
  • Urban Foestry & Urban Greening: 15 December 2020
  • Sustainability: Urban Ecosystem Changes and Their Social-Ecological Drivers and Effects: 30 September 2021
  • Sustainability: Governance Mixes for Sustainable Peri-Urbanization: 31 October 2021
  • Land: 17 December 2021


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