[DISSEMINATION] URBiNAT methods and co-creation practices discussed during conference in Peru
Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Architect, Urban Planner, Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of University of Coimbra, and Coordinator of the URBiNAT project, participated in the conference “BALSA | Laboratorio Móvil de Servicios Amazónicos” held in Lima at CIAC/PUCP, on 19 September 2023. See agenda HERE
The conference featured a panel discussion of two projects that share experiences of co-creation and innovation methodologies with a territorial impact.
The first was the research-action project “Self-sustaining itinerant platform: Access to water and information for amphibious communities in the Amazon”. The project proposes a “BALSA” solution that provides services and social programmes for the riverside communities of the Peruvian lowland jungle.
The second was the URBINAT project, whose Principal Coordinator was invited to present the underlying concepts and methods involved in the co-planning of Healthy Corridors with the use of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) that act as drivers for the transformation of social housing estates and the well-being of residents in various European cities.
Round Table 🇬🇧
An international panel discussion of two projects that share experiences of co-creation and innovation methodologies with a territorial impact. Preliminary results were presented from the research-action project “Self-sustaining itinerant platform: Access to water and information for amphibious communities in the Amazon”, which proposes a BALSA that provides services and social programmes for the riverside communities of the Peruvian lowland jungle. In addition, the results of the URBINAT project will be presented, which aims to co-plan a healthy corridor through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) that act as drivers for the transformation of social housing estates and the well-being of residents in various European cities.
Mesa Redonda 🇪🇸
Mesa intercambio internacional de dos proyectos que compartirán experiencias de metodologías de co-creación e innovación con impacto territorial . Se compartirán resultados preliminares del proyecto de investigación-acción “Plataforma itinerante Autosostenible: Acceso a agua e información para comunidades anfibias en la Amazonía” que propone una BALSA que brinde servicios y programas sociales para las comunidades ribereñas de la selva baja Peruana. De otro modo, se expondrá los resultados del proyecto URBINAT que pretende co-planificar un corredor saludable por medio de Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza (SbN) que actúan como impulsores de la transformación de barrios de viviendas sociales y del bienestar de los residentes en diversas ciudades de Europa.