The Collectif ipé and Cyclo have been working together to support local learning and training in cycling. The aim was to support existing initiatives and enhance the knowledge and skills of local residents.
The initiative has been run by and for residents of the Versailles, Val Maria and Craetbos districts, as well as the whole of Neder-Over-Heembeek, with a particular focus on accessibility to cycling for women.

Picture Collectif ipé et Cyclo asbl. 2023
Support for cycling was provided in three areas:
- LEARNING TO RIDE A BICYCLE: the Collectif ipé offered training courses for apprentice cyclists and for the people who teach them to pedal, in particular in support of the “Vers’ailes” project initiated in 2022 by two local residents, with the support of the PCS Versailles/Val Maria (Coin des Cerises asbl).
- LEARNING TO REPAIR YOUR BICYCLE: Cyclo has offered training courses on how to look after your bike, as well as becoming a neighbourhood mechanic;
- NETWORKING at NOH: the project supports the setting up of a co-ordination system for the various ‘cycling’ players at NOH by offering them shared tools and opportunities for exchange.
- CONTINUING: one of the aims of the project was also to draw good practice and recommendations for public authorities from this experience of support on a neighbourhood scale, with a view to replicating the project in other areas of the city and in the longer term.
This pilot project was launched and funded through the action-research work carried out as part of URBiNAT.