BEST PRACTICES — April 28, 2021 [URBiNAT Webinar] Solidarity economy practices for neighbourhood revitalisation (1/3): Urban and green space: commons, justice and social reproduction Introduction 14h00 to 14h10 – URBiNAT short presentation – Nathalie Nunes (CES) 14h10 to 14h30 – Seminar overview: How the solidari...
CONFERENCE — October 17, 2019 [Conference] Sofia, 18 October: Local partners to present URBiNAT project Introduction 14h00 to 14h10 – URBiNAT short presentation – Nathalie Nunes (CES) 14h10 to 14h30 – Seminar overview: How the solidari...
February 3, 2023 Webinar: Participative governance approach for urban regeneration URBiNAT together with CES Thematic Line “Urban Cultures, Sociabilities and Participation” are organizing a webinar dedicated to the the...