Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Architect, Urban Planner, Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of University of Coimbra, and Coordinator of the URBiNAT project, will be giving a keynote speech at the Feltrinelli Foundation’s annual review of urban transformations “About a City”.
Gonçalo Canto Moniz will open the session “Climate changes cities, cities change the climate” on 15 November with a lecture on the URBiNAT projet.
See full conference announcement and 3-day programme in italian HERE

Gonçalo Canto Moniz
Principal Researcher / Associate Professor, Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra
An architect by profession and Principal Coordinator of the EU H2020-funded URBiNAT project. Professor at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) at the University of Coimbra, where he leads WP4 dedicated to the NBS catalogue and the Healthy Corridor implementation in Frontrunner and Follower Cities. Co-creating Healthy Corridors with communities is his big challenge.
About a City | Il destino della cittĂ | 13-14-15 novembre
Torna dal 13 al 15 novembre About a City, la rassegna annuale di Fondazione Feltrinelli sulle trasformazioni urbane. L’edizione 2023 si concentra sui cambiamenti che stanno profondamente trasformando le nostre città : da spazi di relazione tra individui, cose e possibilità  si sono trasformate in luoghi consumati e del consumo, spinti verso l’alto dall’urbanizzazione, dall’accentramento di interessi e ricchezze, da uno sviluppo tecnologico sempre più frenetico.
About a City vuole confrontarci impatti, urgenze e politiche legate alle trasformazioni urbane. Una rassegna di tre giornate, con tavoli di lavoro e talk pubblici, un dialogo a più voci, tra ricercatori, accademici, attivisti e professionisti non solo per denunciare le distorsioni dell’ambiente urbano, ma soprattutto per escogitare soluzioni, guardando alle esperienze di innovazione sociale e politica già in atto, capaci di rigenerare il nostro essere comunità e dimostrare che un diverso modo di abitare la città è possibile.
About a City si svolge dal 13 al 15 novembre a Milano.
About a City | The fate of the city | 13-14-15 November
About a City, the Feltrinelli Foundation’s annual review of urban transformations, returns  from 13 to 15 November. The 2023 edition focuses on the changes that are profoundly transforming our cities: from spaces of relationships between individuals, things and possibilities have been transformed into  places consumed and consumed, pushed upwards by urbanisation, by the centralization of interests and wealth, by an increasingly frenetic technological development.
About a City wants to discuss impacts, urgencies and policies linked to urban transformations. A three-day event, with working groups and public talks, a multi-voiced dialogue between researchers, academics, activists and professionals not only to denounce the distortions of the urban environment, but above all to devise solutions, looking at innovation experiences social and political already underway, capable of regenerating our being a community and demonstrating that a different way of living in the city is possible. Â
About a City takes place from 13 to 15 november in Milan.