CONFERENCE — March 17, 2021 [Conference 🇧🇷] URBiNAT at the IV ISA Forum of Sociology – Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality The IV ISA Forum of Sociology, held from 23rd to 28th of February 2021, was the first virtual Forum of the International Sociological Association. 58 ...
PUBLICATIONS — January 1, 2021 [Research Paper 🇧🇷] BRAZIL: Co-criação de Soluções baseadas na Natureza envolvendo comunidades e oportunidades de diálogo Europa ABSTRACT: Transformations around modes of production have changed the way citizens, users and consumers are considered and recognized in the processe...
BLOG — February 6, 2020 [Blogpost] Finding inspiration from an Austrian initiative to co-develop Parklets From Porto to Nantes and from Copenhagen to Sofia, via Brussels, Nova Gorica and Siena, we have been struck by the number of residents in our URBiNAT ...