NBS Catalogue
URBiNAT NBS Catalogue
Nature-Based Solutions that citizens can co-select and co-create according to their needs, aspirations, and local environmental conditions
The URBiNAT NBS Catalogue consists ofย NBSย can be co-selected and co-created and, in some cases, turned into New NBS, by citizens in URBiNAT intervention areas.
The Catalogue consists of ย four categories of NBS:
Territorial NBS are interventions sustained by nature that will make a significant contribution towards urban biodiversity, urban resilience to climate change, and storm-water management. These solutions promote urban regeneration and entail social and economic benefits through locally adapted implementations of a wide range of ecosystem services.
Technological Nature-Based Solutions are characterized by the use of advanced techniques and materials for their design and manufacturing processes and by the integration of ICT systems for their maintenance and monitoring.
Social & Solidarity Economy
Social and Solidarity Economy NBS are defined by URBiNAT as opportunities for changing social, political and economic relations among people who live in the neighbourhoods covered by the project. The project recognizes this as part of a broader socio-economy dimension based on practices whose ultimate goal is not profit (or its absence), but solidarity and cooperation.
Participatory NBS aim to address the needs, aspirations and knowledge of residents and users of public spaces in URBiNAT intervention areas. The aim of Participatory NBS is to operationalize the co-creation process by putting in dialogue those needs, aspirations and knowledge with political, technical and scientific views. As URBiNAT operates within an urban governance framework, the main actors to design and implement participatory NBS are residents and users, municipal actors and academic practitioners.
URBiNAT Key Exploitable Result
A PDF version of the URBiNAT NBS Catalogue can be downloaded here:
Since June 2023 the URBiNAT NBS Catalogue is featured as Key Exploitable Result on the Horizon Results Platform of the European Commission.
URBiNAT NBS Selection Tool
1. Use the search field to search NBS by key word, or
2. Select one or more NBS type(s)
3. Use the sliding bars to indicate selected impacts
4. Click on individual NBS solutions to reveal full details