Excellent cooperation between Copenhagen-based SLA and Brussels team!
The result of a close collaboration between the city of Brussels and the Copenhagen-based landscape architecture office SLA is a thoughtfully elaborated and inspiring healthy corridor concept.
Based on the work conducted by URBiNAT Follower City Brussels over the last few years, SLA’s biologists, anthropologists, geographers, urban planners and landscape architects took a thorough look at the maps and the data of the Brussels intervention area – an analysis which has been completed in Spring this year. The results of this work, together with a biological analysis and an analysis of citizen engagement, have then been provided to the City of Brussels.

After several iterations of fruitful discussion with the Brussels team during Autumn 2022, SLA just released its concrete concept proposal for the Brussels healthy corridor.
Even if it is not the final product of a designed corridor yet, it is a sufficiently concrete concept that can now be used to mobilize support for the actual corridor—and that may inspire other cities to realize something similar.