
Webinars on NBS and Traditions

A Series of Webinars linking Nature-Based Solutions and Traditional Knowledge

In the modern quest for sustainability and resilience, the fusion of nature-based solutions (NBS) with traditional knowledge presents a compelling pathway towards harmonizing the built environment with the natural world.

Bridging Urban Development with Nature-Based Solutions. The Role of Traditional Knowledge

At the heart of URBiNAT lies the recognition that cities are not separate entities from nature; instead, they are intricately woven into the ecological fabric. This ethos is reflected in its deployment of nature-based solutions, which leverage the inherent benefits of ecosystems to enhance urban spaces, mitigate climate risks, and promote social cohesion. The success of URBiNAT also depends on its commitment to integrating traditional knowledge into contemporary urban planning practices. Throughout history, communities worldwide have developed profound insights into coexisting with nature and shaping their built environments in ways that promote sustainability and well-being. By embracing and incorporating traditional wisdom, we not only acknowledge the resilience of indigenous cultures but also enrich projects with time-tested approaches to sustainable living. Inspiration from traditional knowledge ranges from agroforestry to permaculture, from water management to heat-highlands reduction, from wind channel creation to wild gardening and sustainable farming, as well as from social practices and rituals to the OIKOS as house management. Bridging nature-based solutions with traditional knowledge may offer an additional demonstration that the path to sustainable urban development lies not in conquering nature but in embracing its potential, as done by our previous generations.


Starting on 28 February, the University of Nova Gorica, Cultural Heritage Studies within URBiNAT and within the framework of the European Culture Capital, is hosting a set of hybrid webinars that merge Nature-Based Solutions and traditional knowledge to show both how some modern Nature Based Solutions are actually and technically implemented, by means of examples and case studies, and how much history can help us in understanding suitable nature adaptation approaches in line with the genius loci, namely the local socio-economic and territorial specificities.

Special support to the initiative has been given by the Go!2025 Culture Capital Nova Gorica-Gorizia through the project “Mapping Green Spots and Mobility”, the URBINAT Living Lab X-Center, the SEEDS Network by UNIFE and UNISCAPE Network and the CGT-CZT, Centre of Green Technologies. Scientific support from other networks is welcome to contribute to the nourishment of the community of practice.

Webinar Schedule

All webinars are taking place between 5.00 and 6.30 p.m CET

Participation in the webinars is free but registration is compulsory via the registration link indicated on the poster:

Introduction to the Initiative & Retention Basins | 28.2.2024

Introduction to the Initiative by UNG, Marco Acri
About partners network, GO!2025, URBiNAT, SEEDS,UNISCAPE, CTZ
Webinars on NBS and Traditions

  • The Retention Basins today, José Miguel Lameiras, BIOPOLIS
  • The Retention basins in the tradition. Some Examples

Questions and debate

When: Wednesday, 28.02.2024, 5.00 – 6.30 p.m CET

Download Flyer with Zoom-Link here

Green Roofs | 13.03.2024

Little reminder about the initiative

  • The Green Roof today. Technique and examples, Maurizio Crasso, HAPO Verdepensile
  • The Green Roof in the past. Examples
  • Examples from cities of the network

Questions and debate

When: Wednesday, 13.03.2024, 5.00 – 6.30 p.m. CET

Download Flyer here

Naturalistic Gardening | 18.04.2024

Little reminder about the initiative

  • How permeable pavements work
  • What are underground water channels
  • Permeable pavements and water channels in the “past”
  • Examples from cities of the network

Questions and debate

When: Wednesday, 24.04.2024, 5.00 – 6.30 p.m. CET

Download information sheet with registration link here

Solidarity Economy and Alternative Currencies for Sustainability | 27.05.2024

Little reminder about the initiative

  • What about solidarity economy and alternative currency?
  • What alternative currency means
  • Examples from Europe
  • Examples from the past
  • Examples from cities of the network

Questions and debate

When: Monday, 27.05.2024, 5.00 – 6.30 p.m. CET

Animals in Cities and Urban Farming

Little reminder about the initiative

  • URBAN Farming in the past
  • URBAN Farming today
  • Examples from network cities (Nantes, Nova Gorica)

Questions and debate

When: TBD

Wildlife Parks and Tiny Forest

Little reminder about the initiative

  • What are wildlife parks
  • What are Tiny, Pocket, Miyawaki Forests?
  • Examples from the past
  • Examples from network cities (Nantes, Brussels, Netherlands)

Questions and debate

When: TBD

Rainwater Management, Bioswales and Phytodepuration

Little reminder about the initiative

  • What is rainwater management
  • What is water phytodepuration and natural swimming pools
  • Examples from the past
  • Examples from network cities (Sofia)

Questions and debate

When: TBD

Autumn Webinar Calendar: tbd

Potential topics: GROASIS, Multi Use Wood Structure, Aquaponics Serra, Food Production and Leisure Pavilion, Ceramic Tiles and Green Walls, Urban Mushroom Farm, Vegetable Garden and Mobile Vegetable Garden, Permaculture, etc.
