The Bread Houses Network started as part of the global network of national networks of community cultural centers called International Council for Cultural Centers (I3C), www.international3c.org, uniting more than 50 countries on 6 continents where people find meaning through community arts and local cultural traditions (intangible cultural heritage).
The NadEzhko bakeries, developed under the company NadEzhko, are part of the Bread Houses Network and offer an innovative mix of an organic bakery with interactive bake-house and a community center, where people of all walks of life, socially excluded groups and people with disabilities mix to regularly make, bake, and break bread together. The company sells both high-quality breads and other boutique foods and unique services (Bread building team building; Theatre of Crumbs events; Bread in the Dark/BIND, led by blind people). The company’s 10 unique methods of bread-making with diverse art forms are proven internationally as a new form of art therapy “bread therapy”.
The NadEzhko bakeries are planned as a social franchise, with bakeries in neighborhoods around the world serving also as the local community and social integration center. The bakeries have the mission to train and employ as bakers low-income people and orphans (bakers, team building trainers, and community organizers), as well as people with diverse special needs and potential to develop good social skills (sight-impaired, handicapped, people with Down Syndrome, etc.) to be our community workshop facilitators in the collective bread-making events. The mission of these bakeries is to serve as the community gathering points that reignite local traditions, educate about solidarity, equality in diversity, cooperation in sustainable living and nutrition, arts and creativity.
Read more HERE
Business Canvas

URBiNAT Workshop, Sofia, Januay 2019