CONFERENCE — March 17, 2021 [Conference ] URBiNAT at the IV ISA Forum of Sociology – Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality CES researchers, Beatriz Caitana and Nathalie Nunes, presented two communications at the IV ISA Forum on URBiNAT's approaches in handling the complex combination and concentration of challenges and factors in inclusive urban regeneration: more than green, as an extended model for NBS in urban regeneration; and intersectional challenges in the emergence of social innovation for active citizenship.
COVID-19, OBSERVERS, Paraná — March 16, 2021 [COVID-19 ] Urban regeneration and the pandemic – Brazilian insights from Curitiba URBiNAT Observer city Curitiba is recognized for its urban planning, mainly developed during the XXth century and aimed at spatial planning, impacting until today the quality of life in the city. However, much progress is needed, since it is no longer possible to analyze and plan the city in isolation, without considering the influence of its public policies on the municipalities of the metropolitan region.
BLOG, DIGITAL ENABLERS — March 15, 2021 [Digital Enablers] Digital enablers in URBiNAT cities and deprived urban areas The use of digital enablers in URBiNAT cities and deprived urban areas is elaborated on in a newly-released URBiNAT report. The nine URBiNAT cities all use, or plan to use, digital enablers in the context of URBiNAT, and thus in relation to co-creation of NBS and Healthy corridors.
DIGITAL ENABLERS, NBS — February 19, 2021 [Digital Enablers] Digital enablers to unlock the potential of NBS in cities (2/2) How can digital enblers support citizen engagement and participation? This question is discussed in a new report released as part of the URBiNAT project.
BLOG, CONFERENCE, Porto — February 11, 2021 [Conference ] Edu-communication and urban regeneration: young people mobilize to tell stories and visions of a sustainable future in the parish of Campanhã
OBSERVERS, Paraná — February 3, 2021 [Observer ] Commission on Ecology, Environment and Animal Protection, Paraná State Legislative Assembly, Brazil In March 2020, URBiNAT gained a new Observer partner: the Commission for the Environment, Ecology and Protection of Animals linked to the Legislative Assembly of State of Paraná (Brazil).
NBS, Siena — January 29, 2021 [SIENA ] Le Mura : a beer “made in Siena” Siena’s historic centre is characterised by valleys and green areas located within the city walls or just outside them. These spaces are used for agriculture and represent a landscape and and natural heritage of inestimable value that must be safeguarded and enhanced. The URBiNAT Healthy Corridor will be located in the district of Ravacciano but extends to other green areas surrounding the city, and the associations operating within them.
NEWS COVERAGE, Nova Gorica — January 29, 2021 [In the News ] Recap of News Coverage of the URBiNAT meeting in Nova Gorica, Jan. 2020
NBS, NEWS COVERAGE, Porto — January 15, 2021 [In the News ] PORTO: “The orchard in Campanhã where seeds of friendships are sown” There is a growing media interest in URBiNAT plans for the creation of a Healthy Corridor in the neighbourhoods of Campanha and Falcao, especially since a preliminary of the urban plan for the district, in November 2020. The following is an extract from an article published in Publico, on 15 January 2021.