PUBLICATIONS, Sofia — December 11, 2023 [Book Chapter]: The role of Social and Solidarity Economy in the inclusive urban regeneration power of nature-based solutions A book chapter about Sofia URBiNAT Healthy Corridor in a Routledge publication that has just been published.
PUBLICATIONS, Coimbra — December 8, 2023 [Research Debate] Making urban regeneration inclusive through nature-based solutions: contributions from the solidarity economy A recent publication within the URBiNAT project related to the Solidarity Economy and coordinated by URBiNAT researchers.
PUBLICATIONS — November 30, 2023 [Book Chapter]: Co-creation of healthy corridors: a participatory approach to the circular city In their chapter, URBiNAT reasearchers explore the contribution of the healthy corridor concept as a cluster of nature-based solutions (NBS) and of the co-creation methodology as a process that generates commitment to the circular city debate.
PUBLICATIONS, Høje-Taastrup, Nantes, Porto, Sofia — November 28, 2023 [Research Paper] The relation between proximity to and characteristics of green spaces to physical activity and health Green spaces are associated with increased physical activity of nearby residents. But there are still gaps in understanding which proximity and what characteristics of green spaces can trigger physical activity.
NBS, PUBLICATIONS — May 30, 2023 [Research Paper] Green Walls and Health: An Umbrella Review Current societal challenges like climate change led to a general agreement that our cities need to become greener and our lifestyles more sustainable. Read the exciting findings from a recent study on the health benefits of green walls as a promising nature-based solution for dense urban areas and street canyons specifically.
PUBLICATIONS — May 15, 2023 [Research Paper] Automation of Indicator Development in Green Space Health Research The relationship between green spaces and health is attracting more and more societal and research interest. The research field is however still suffering from its differing monodisciplinary origins. Now in a multidisciplinary environment on its way to a truly interdisciplinary field, there is a need for a common understanding, precision in green space indicators, and coherent assessment of the complexity of daily living environments.
BEST PRACTICES, PUBLICATIONS — April 20, 2023 [Research Paper] Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field The relationship between green spaces and health is attracting more and more societal and research interest. The research field is however still suffering from its differing monodisciplinary origins. Now in a multidisciplinary environment on its way to a truly interdisciplinary field, there is a need for a common understanding, precision in green space indicators, and coherent assessment of the complexity of daily living environments.
PUBLICATIONS — March 9, 2023 [Research Paper 🇫🇷] Urban gardening: the challenge of soil quality for communities The desire to reorganise the territorial aspects of food production and the strong societal demand for urban gardens are currently bringing renewed attention to the issues of land use.
NBS, PUBLICATIONS, Høje-Taastrup — March 2, 2023 [Høje-Taastrup 🇩🇰] Cards & Reflection Method for Citizen Involvement A Design Thinking Method for easy and effective involvement of citizens in city planning processes developed and tested with Høje Taastrup Municipality in Denmark.