June 24, 2021 [CONFERENCE] Connecting Nature Enterprise Summit Poznań 2021 CONNECTING NATURE ENTERPRISE SUMMIT POZNAŃ 2021 Join us online in June for the Connecting Nature Enterprise Summit. As countries and cities adapt to ...
CONFERENCE — October 13, 2021 [UN Habitat Live Conference 🇺🇳 ] URBiNAT speaker on panel to discuss “From Nature-Based Solutions to the Nature-Based Economy” PRESENTATION: There is no future for “business as usual”. Systemic transformation is needed to shift towards an economy where economic growth is d...
BEST PRACTICES — April 30, 2021 [SIENA] Webinar 6: Civic crowdfunding: when the community supports social and cultural projects. The experience of the Municipality of Milan PRESENTATION: There is no future for “business as usual”. Systemic transformation is needed to shift towards an economy where economic growth is d...