Urban public space: commons, justice and social reproduction
- 14h00 to 14h10 – URBiNAT short presentation – Nathalie Nunes (CES)
- 14h10 to 14h30 – Seminar overview: How the solidarity economy has been introduced in the Healthy Corridor – Beatriz Caitana (CES)
Panel. (Moderator: Laetitia Boon,Ville de Bruxelles)Â Â
- 14h30 to 14h45 – Inclusive and dynamic neighbourhoods through solidarity economy – Pedro Hespanha (Ecosol – CES)
- 14h45 to 15h00 – Solidarity Economy, community development and the commons: rethink the public space production – Rogério Roque Amaro (ISCTE)
- 15h00 to 15h15 – Urban Regeneration and minority women: can SE contribute to environmental justice within the urban space? – Luciane Lucas dos Santos (Ecosol – CES)Â
- 15h15 to 15h30 – The commons and the market or the virtues of impure orders – José Castro Caldas (CES) Â
- 15h30 to 15h45 – RIPESS and the role played by EU networks towards environmental issues within the public agenda – Jason Nardi – Intercontinental network for the promotion of social and solidarity economy (RIPESS Europe)
Open discussion:Â 15h45 – 17h00
Click HERE to register (FREE)