Responsive Cities Symposium - Design With Nature (IAAC)
Organised by URBiNAT partner IAAC (Barcelona), with the participation of other URBiNAT partners the 2021 edition of the Responsive Cities Symposium focuses on “Design with Nature”. The symposium takes place within the framework of the Building Urban Intelligent Living Design Solutions (BUILDs) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and developed by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia – IAAC- (Spain), Université de Lorraine -UL- (France), Vienna University of Economics and Business -WU- (Austria), Ersilia Foundation (Spain), ECONICK (France), Plant-e (Netherlands), City Facilitators -CF- (Denmark), and GreenTech Challenge -GTC- (Denmark). The project aims to develop new transdisciplinary educational models in the fields of Biology, Design, and Business.