URBiNAT: Co-criaçäo de corredores saudáveis através de soluções baseadas na natureza inclusivas
BEST PRACTICES — April 17, 2023 [Nantes 🇫🇷] URBiNAT Consortium Technical Visit The City of Nantes, Local Scientific partners and the representatives of the URBiNAT Consortium involved in the co-creation of a Healthy Corridor in t...
July 7, 2023 Nature in the City — Advancing Social Impact through NbS CLEVER Cities invites Horizon Europe/2020 NbS projects to Hamburg, Germany for a deep dive into the social and environmental impact potential of natur...
CONFERENCE — June 30, 2021 [3rd Party Conference] Cities as Social-Ecological Systems Poznan, July 2021 CLEVER Cities invites Horizon Europe/2020 NbS projects to Hamburg, Germany for a deep dive into the social and environmental impact potential of natur...