

Nova Gorica, Slovenija
Nova Gorica: URBiNAT Follower City
Nova Gorica: URBiNAT Učeče se mesto
Nova Gorica is a young city, situated in the western part of Slovenia, on the border with Italy, between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea. The city forms an urban conurbation with the town of Gorizia on the Italian side.
Nova Gorica has a unique development story as it was built as a completely new city on an empty land after the Second WW. Nova Gorica with a population of 31,000 is nowadays facing the problems of young people moving out of the city since the city lacks suitable employment and living facilities. Consequently, the demographics is changing and the percentage of elderly people is growing. To increase the quality of life, we would like to connect the deprived area of the stream Koren closer to the urban area. For more decades the stream was cut off from the rest of the city because it was polluted by waste water. Since we built a new sewage water cleaning device, the Koren is now free of pollution. Nova Gorica would like to regenerate and integrate this deprived area and connect districts in to a new green belt of the city, using the NBS to solve its problems and develop its potentials.

Občina Nova Gorica leži na zahodu Slovenije, med Sredozemskim morjem ter Julijskimi Alpami. Nahaja se tik ob meji z Italijo, s sosednjim mestom Gorica pa je pravzaprav neločljivo povezano, lahko bi rekli, da mesti prehajata ena v drugo. Nova Gorica ima enkratno razvojno zgodbo, saj je bila po drugi svetovni vojni zgrajena kot povsem novo mesto. Nova Gorica s 31.000 prebivalci se danes sooča z izseljevanjem mladih, saj jim samo mesto ne ponuja ustreznih delovnih pogojev ter primernih stanovanjskih kapacitet. Posledično se tudi demografija spreminja, tako da se odstotek starejših povečuje. V okviru projekta Urbinat želimo degradirano območje ob potoku Koren povezati s samim mestom. Potok je bil več desetletij odrezan od ostalega mesta zaradi onesnaženja z odpadno vodo. Po izgradnji čistilne naprave pa se je kvaliteta vode izboljšala. Območje je sedaj primerno, da se vzpostavi nov zeleni pas javnih površin s pomočjo sonaravnih rešitev. Na ta način bomo okoliškim prebivalcem zagotovili prostor za kvalitetno preživljanje prostega časa ter vzpostavili pogoje za prihodnji razvoj območja.

The URBiNAT activity goes in parallel to the ones for the European Capital of Culture 2025 under the concept of GoBorderless2025. The URBiNAT Healthy Corridor in Nova Gorica aims at reconnecting cultural, social and environmental historic spots as a way to strengthen citizenship and the integration of the communities along and across the border.
Nova Gorica was established after the World War II as a modern garden town. The city was designed as a large park with roses plantations. Nowadays, city spatial arrangements differ from the original spatial designs, but nevertheless, Nova Gorica still remains as an example of a modern green city. Public green surfaces that are spread through the hole city and extend also beyond the state border are creating green cross-border systems. So, we can actually say that Nova Gorica was from the early beginnings designed and built in the spirit of the NBS. The city itself is located in the green area between the hills in the north, the urban forest in the south and is bounded by the river Soča in the west. Nova Gorica is known for its open and wide street profiles with trees, urban rose beds, greenery, and trees that encircle residential neighborhoods. Together with the urban forest, which is very popular mainly as a recreational area, and the cultural monument of Kostanjevica monastery, they are all representing basic elements of the city green system.
Dejavnost URBiNAT poteka vzporedno z dejavnostmi za Evropsko prestolnico kulture 2025 v okviru koncepta GoBorderless2025. Cilj projekta URBiNAT Zdravi koridor v Novi Gorici je ponovno povezati kulturne, družbene in okoljske zgodovinske točke kot način za krepitev državljanstva in povezovanja skupnosti ob in čez mejo.
Nova Gorica je mlado vrtno mesto, zgrajeno po 2. svetovni vojni. Kot mesto samo je bila Nova Gorica zasnovana v stilu velikega parka z nasadi vrtnic. Prvotni načrti se od današnjega stanja sicer razlikujejo, vendar vseeno velja Nova Gorica kot primer modernega zelenega mesta. Javne zelene površine, ki se vijejo čez celotno mesto in segajo tudi čez državno mejo, oblikujejo zelene čezmejne sisteme. Tako lahko že z vidika načrtovanja in snovanja mesta rečemo, da je bila Nova Gorica grajena v duhu sonaravnih rešitev (NBS).
Prostorsko je že sama lega mesta umeščena v zelen prostor med vzpetinami na severu, obdana z urbanim gozdom Panovcem na jugu ter omejena z reko Sočo na zahodu. Odprti in široki profili ulic z umeščenimi drevoredi, mestne gredice, zasajene z vrtnicami, zelenice in drevesa, ki spremljajo in obdajajo vse stanovanjske soseske, in rekreacijsko zelo popularen mestni gozd, skupaj s kulturno pomembnim spomenikom – samostanom Kostanjevica – predstavljajo osnovne prvine zelenega mestnega sistema. Eden izmed primerov sonaravnih rešitev je nastanek mestnega parka. Park je bil urejen na območju nekdanjih glinokopov, kjer je po opustitvi dejavnosti nastalo jezero. Danes ima bajer več funkcij, je zadrževalnik za meteorne vode, ki deluje kot ukrep obrambe pred poplavami, je življenjsko območje za rastline, žuželke, ribe, dvoživke, ptice in manjše zveri, povezuje stanovanjsko sosesko s športnimi in kulturnimi ustanovami ter nudi prostor za počitek in sproščanje prebivalcem.
URBiNAT: The Healthy Corridor Story
URBiNAT: Zgodba o zdravih koridorjih
SUBTITLES: Click the CC at the bottom of the Video for subtitles in Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Italian or Portuguese
PODATKI: Na dnu videoposnetka kliknite CC za podnapise v bolgarščini, danščini, nizozemščini, angleščini, francoščini, italijanščini ali portugalščini
Citizen Engagement and Nature-Based Solutions
Angažiranje državljanov in NTR – na naravi temelječe rešitve
One of the examples of NBS in Nova Gorica is the creation of a city park. The park was arranged in the area of the former clay pits, where a lake was formed after the abandonment of the activity. Nowadays, the lake has many functions, it serves as a rain water retention area, which protects the city from flooding, it is a habitat for plants, insects, fish, amphibians, birds and other small animals, it connects a residential neighborhood with sports and cultural facilities, and it is also a very nice place for walking and relaxing.
Another example of using the NBS is the green roof on the overpass stretching above the city bypass. The overpass platform is arranged as a walking and cycling area and a viewing point.
In 2018, we had a series of workshops with inhabitants of the residential neighborhood, that we plan to renovate. During the participatory process, the inhabitants were divided into 4 groups. After the introductory presentation, a field trip was organized according to the principle of the NBS method Focus groups in situ.¸
During the URBiNAT project we plan to try out various examples of NBS and also include the most suitable one for our study area in the final paper. We are hoping that usage of NBS during the URBiNAT will be a good example for solving issues on the other municipality’s working fields.
Eden od primerov NTR-jev v Novi Gorici je oblikovanje mestnega parka. Park je bil urejen na območju nekdanjih glinenih jam, kjer je po opustitvi dejavnosti nastalo jezero. Danes ima jezero veliko funkcij, služi kot zadrževalnik deževnice, ki mesto varuje pred poplavami, je življenjski prostor za rastline, žuželke, ribe, dvoživke, ptice in druge male živali, povezuje stanovanjsko sosesko s športom in kulturne objekte, poleg tega pa je tudi zelo prijeten kraj za sprehod in sprostitev.
Drugi primer uporabe NTR-jev je zelena streha na nadvozu, ki se razteza nad mestno obvoznico. Nadvozna ploščad je urejena kot sprehajalno in kolesarsko območje ter razgledna točka.
V letu 2018 smo imeli vrsto delavnic s prebivalci stanovanjske soseske, ki jih načrtujemo prenovo. Med procesom participacije so se prebivalci razdelili v 4 skupine. Po uvodni predstavitvi je bil organiziran terenski izlet po principu metode NTR-jev Focus groups in situ.¸
Med projektom URBiNAT načrtujemo preizkus različnih primerov NTR-jev in v končni prispevek vključiti tudi
najustreznejšega za naše študijsko področje. Upamo, da bo uporaba NTR-jev v času trajanja projekta URBiNAT dober primer za reševanje vprašanj na delovnih področjih drugih občin.


