
NANTES, France

Nantes, France

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Survey announcement for the inhabitants of Nantes Nord

Annonce d'enquĂȘte destinĂ©e aux habitants de Nantes Nord

As part of the URBiNAT project, TMO (Institute of studies and opinion polls) has been commissioned by Nantes MĂ©tropole to carry out a survey on the quality of life and well-being of the residents in the Nantes Nord district.

The survey had already been carried out in 2019, and it is now a question of studying the changes in connection with the developments and interventions carried out in the district since then.

TMO plans to call the inhabitants between 20 March and 7 April 2023.

Please give them the best possible welcome.

For information: The data collected in the questionnaires will be anonymous and confidential and will be used in aggregate form only. As our research focuses on spatial issues, we would like to record your address in order to correctly link some of your answers (e.g. about the neighbourhood) to the correct content. We guarantee that no personal data will be passed on to third parties or used for purposes other than this research. As a participant, you have the right to access, correct, delete, limit or request your data at any time. In addition, all personal data will be destroyed five years after the end of the project.

Dans le cadre du projet URBiNAT, TMO (Institut d’Ă©tudes et sondages d’opinion) est mandatĂ© par Nantes MĂ©tropole pour effectuer une enquĂȘte sur la QualitĂ© de vie et le Bien ĂȘtre des habitants dans le quartier de Nantes Nord.

L’enquĂȘte avait dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e en 2019, il s’agit dĂ©sormais d’Ă©tudier les Ă©volutions en lien avec les amĂ©nagements et interventions effectuĂ©es dans le quartier depuis.

L’institut prĂ©voit d’appeler les habitants entre le 20 mars et le 7 avril 2023.

Merci de leur réserver le meilleur accueil possible.

Pour information : Les donnĂ©es recueillies dans les questionnaires seront anonymes et confidentielles et ne seront utilisĂ©es que sous forme agrĂ©gĂ©es. Étant donnĂ© que notre recherche porte sur des questions spatiales, nous souhaitons enregistrer votre adresse afin de relier correctement certaines de vos rĂ©ponses (par ex. sur le quartier) au bon contenu. Nous vous garantissons qu’aucune donnĂ©e personnelle ne sera cĂ©dĂ©e Ă  des tiers ou utilisĂ©e Ă  d’autres fins que celles de cette recherche. En tant que participant, vous disposez Ă  tout moment d’un droit d’accĂšs, de rectification, d’effacement, de limitation ou de demande de vos donnĂ©es. En outre, toutes les donnĂ©es personnelles seront dĂ©truites cinq ans aprĂšs la fin du projet.

Nantes Healthy Corridor Concept & Urban Plan

Concept et Plan du Healthy Corridor nantais

Nantes Nord is one of the greenest districts of the city of Nantes, located in the northwest of France. Unlike many French or European social housing areas, Nantes Nord is particularly well connected to the city center via a tram line, several bus lines and secondary roads. Though, as the Local Diagnostic underlined, health and socio-economic indicators are worrying, in a district with one of the highest poverty rates of the city.

In Nantes a strategy has been developed as part of a wider plan (Projet Global) that encapsulates the URBiNAT study area. The URBiNAT plan serves to establish a more accurate approach for specific parts of the territory, most of them connected by a path or “green loop”. The idea is to induce a healthier lifestyle among inhabitants by encouraging walking and other outdoor pursuits.  

This urban project strategy motivated a closer participation process, with the stakeholders being directly involved with urban spaces that they use on a daily basis. Taking into account the local participatory culture, this proximity process has helped to reveal some uses and motivations in a clearer way about more specific matters.



Healthy Corridor Concept

Nantes Nord est l’un des quartiers les plus verts de la ville de Nantes, situĂ©e dans le nord-ouest de la France. Contrairement Ă  de nombreux quartiers d’habitat social français ou europĂ©ens, Nantes Nord est particuliĂšrement bien reliĂ© au centre-ville par une ligne de tramway, plusieurs lignes de bus et des routes secondaires. Cependant, comme l’a soulignĂ© le diagnostic local, les indicateurs sanitaires et socio-Ă©conomiques sont prĂ©occupants, dans un quartier oĂč le taux de pauvretĂ© est l’un des plus Ă©levĂ©s de la ville.

À Nantes, la stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e selon un plan plus large (Le Projet Global) qui comprend la zone d’Ă©tude d’URBiNAT. En ce sens, le nouveau projet urbain a servi Ă  Ă©tablir une approche plus prĂ©cise pour des parties spĂ©cifiques du territoire, la plupart d’entre elles Ă©tant reliĂ©es par un chemin sous le nom de boucle verte, qui tente d’inciter les habitants Ă  marcher et, par consĂ©quent, Ă  adopter des comportements plus sains.

Cette stratĂ©gie de projet urbain a motivĂ© un processus de participation plus Ă©troit, les parties prenantes Ă©tant directement impliquĂ©es dans des espaces urbains qu’elles connaissent bien. Compte tenu du processus de participation dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©veloppĂ© pour le Projet Global, ce processus de proximitĂ© a permis de rĂ©vĂ©ler certains usages et motivations de maniĂšre plus claire sur des sujets plus spĂ©cifiques.


Concept du Healthy Corridor / Couloir Sain

URBiNAT: The Healthy Corridor Story

URBINAT: Histoire d'un Couloir Sain

SUBTITLES: Click the CC at the bottom of the Video for subtitles in Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Italian or Portuguese

SOUS-TITRES : Cliquez sur le CC en bas de la vidéo pour les sous-titres en bulgare, danois, néerlandais, anglais, français, italien ou portugais



The study area selected for Urbinat focuses on “Nantes Nord”, a district situated to the north of the Nantes municipality. It is particularly heterogeneous in its socio-demographic characteristics and in the representation of different ways of “living”. It comprises several priority districts, residential districts that are gentrifying over time of population renewal, a campus.

Nantes Nord is the district with the highest concentration of social housing with 37% of tenants in social housing. Three of its nine micro district, concentrate socio-economic, security, and health challenges challenge. It is a district characterised by a high poverty rate, high unemployment,  single-parent family, and health issues. Inhabitants also share their increasing sense of insecurity. As for several multi-ethnic districts in France, Nantes has been the theatre of urban violence that has been covered by the press. The district is also subject to drug dealing.

But…With nearly 62 mÂČ of green space per inhabitant, the district Nantes Nord is often presented as the greenest district of the City of Nantes. There are many spaces for walking, conviviality spaces which benefits to the inhabitants: playgrounds, wading pools, 670community gardens, squares of proximity are scattered on the whole of the territory. The presence of the Erdre river as well as the Cens river, strengthen the environmental quality of the district. Nevertheless, this green wealth is not always known or/and appropriated by the citizens.

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La zone d’Ă©tude sĂ©lectionnĂ©e pour Urbinat se concentre sur “Nantes Nord”, un quartier situĂ© au nord de la municipalitĂ© de Nantes. Il est particuliĂšrement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne dans ses caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques et dans la reprĂ©sentation des diffĂ©rents modes de “vie”. Il comprend plusieurs quartiers prioritaires, des quartiers rĂ©sidentiels qui se gentrifient au fil du renouvellement de la population, un campus.

Nantes Nord est le quartier qui prĂ©sente la plus forte concentration de logements sociaux avec 37% de locataires dans les logements sociaux. Trois de ses neuf microquartiers, concentrent des enjeux socio-Ă©conomiques, sĂ©curitaires et sanitaires. C’est un quartier caractĂ©risĂ© par un taux de pauvretĂ© Ă©levĂ©, un chĂŽmage important, des familles monoparentales et des problĂšmes de santĂ©. Les habitants partagent Ă©galement leur sentiment croissant d’insĂ©curitĂ©. Comme plusieurs quartiers multiethniques en France, Nantes a Ă©tĂ© le thĂ©Ăątre de violences urbaines qui ont Ă©tĂ© couvertes par la presse. Le quartier est Ă©galement sujet au trafic de drogue.

Mais…Avec prĂšs de 62 mÂČ d’espaces verts par habitant, le quartier Nantes Nord est souvent prĂ©sentĂ© comme le quartier le plus vert de la ville de Nantes. Les espaces de promenade sont nombreux, des espaces de convivialitĂ© qui profitent aux habitants : aires de jeux, pataugeoires, 670 jardins collectifs, places de proximitĂ© sont dissĂ©minĂ©s sur l’ensemble du territoire. La prĂ©sence de l’Erdre ainsi que de la Cens, renforce la qualitĂ© environnementale du quartier. NĂ©anmoins, cette richesse verte n’est pas toujours connue et/ou appropriĂ©e par les citoyens.

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Interactive Map of the Nantes Nord Healthy Corridor

Carte interactive du Healthy Corridor nantais


This interactive map, powered by GIS technology, allows you to delve into the URBiNAT Healthy Corridor project in Nantes Nord. Layers visualize the project’s intervention area, along with the various Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) co-created throughout the initiative. Navigate the map and discover how these NBS elements contribute to a healthier and more sustainable urban environment.

Cette carte interactive, basĂ©e par la technologie GIS, vous permet de vous plonger dans le projet URBiNAT Healthy Corridor Ă  Nantes Nord. Les couches visualisent la zone d’intervention du projet, ainsi que les diverses solutions basĂ©es sur la nature (NBS) co-crĂ©Ă©es tout au long de l’initiative. Naviguez sur la carte et dĂ©couvrez comment ces Ă©lĂ©ments NBS contribuent Ă  un environnement urbain plus sain et plus durable.



The URBiNAT project aims to involve local citizens in groups of volunteers to create together a Healthy Corridor for the neighbourhood of Nantes.

This co-creation process will be organized in 4 stages, co-diagnosis, co-design, co-implementation and co-monitoring, where citizens are invited to participate in several activities, workshops, public events by contributing their experience and expertise.

Le projet URBiNAT vise à impliquer les citoyens locaux dans des groupes de volontaires afin de créer ensemble un Corridor sain pour le quartier de Campanhã.

Ce processus de co-crĂ©ation sera organisĂ© en 4 Ă©tapes, co-diagnostic, co-conception, co-mise en Ɠuvre et co-surveillance, oĂč les citoyens sont invitĂ©s Ă  participer Ă  plusieurs activitĂ©s, ateliers, Ă©vĂ©nements publics en apportant leur expĂ©rience et leur expertise.

  1. 1

    Stage 1: Co-Diagnostic (Mar - Dec 2019)

    • Public meeting with elected representative
    • Events with citizens
    • Valorization of the existing diagnostics made in Nantes Nord and implementation of the URBiNAT ones

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    Stage 2: Co-Design

    • Phase 1 : engagment of stakeholders to mobilize their public Co-design (Nov. 2019 – Mar. 2020)
    • Two seminars gathering the stakeholders and intern technicians around 2 thematics : health and food and social cohesion
    • Workshop of the app Superbarrio with teenagers
    • Phase 2 : remobilizing the citizens and stakeholders after Covid 19 crisis (June – Sept. 2020)
    • 2 walktrhoughs
    • Communication campaign to question the inhabitants and prepare the co-design phase

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    Stage 3 : Co-Implementation (Sept. 2020- Jan. 2021)

    • Workshops in situ because of Covid19 restrictions
    • Co-creation of Healthy Corridor
    • Co-creation of selected NBS
    • Business Case studies

  4. 4

    Stage 4 : Co-Monitoring

    • Activation of observatory
    • Co-evaluation

  1. 1

    Stage 1: Co-Diagnostic

    • Participation des citoyens
    • Ateliers de crĂ©ation conjointe
    • Diagnostic local

  2. 2

    Stage 2: Co-Design

    • IdĂ©ation
    • Validation des plans d’urbanisme

  3. 3

    Stage 3 : Co-Implementation

    • Co-crĂ©ation du Corridor de SantĂ©
    • Co-crĂ©ation de NBS sĂ©lectionnĂ©s
    • Études de cas

  4. 4

    Stage 4 : Co-Monitoring

    • Activation de l’observatoire
    • Co-Ă©valuation

Citizen Engagement & Co-Creation

Engagement citoyenne et co-création

The URBiNAT project aims to involve local citizens in groups of volunteers to create together a Healthy Corridor for the district of Nantes Nord. How can we create together in the public space solutions that improve the quality of life of citizens? What solutions can be inspired and taught by Nature? What can we share our experiences and experiences?

Nantes has over 50 shared gardens, including 26 allotment garden sites and 24 community gardens. 35 associations run and manage them with the support of the city’s Green Spaces and Environment Department. With URBiNAT residents will have the opportunity to actively participate in the co-selection, co-design and co-creation of Nature-Based Solutions and the creation of a Healthy Corridor for their neighbourhood .

Le projet URBiNAT vise Ă  impliquer les citoyens locaux dans des groupes de volontaires afin de crĂ©er ensemble un Corridor de santĂ© pour le district de Nantes Nord. Comment crĂ©er ensemble dans l’espace public des solutions qui amĂ©liorent la qualitĂ© de vie des citoyens ? Quelles solutions peuvent ĂȘtre inspirĂ©es et enseignĂ©es par la nature ? Que pouvons-nous partager nos expĂ©riences et nos savoir-faire ?

Nantes compte plus de 50 jardins partagĂ©s, dont 26 sites de jardins familiaux et 24 jardins communautaires. 35 associations les animent et les gĂšrent avec le soutien de la Direction des espaces verts et de l’environnement de la ville. Avec URBiNAT, les habitants auront la possibilitĂ© de participer activement Ă  la co-sĂ©lection, la co-conception et la co-crĂ©ation de solutions basĂ©es sur la nature et Ă  la crĂ©ation d’un corridor sain pour leur quartier.

The Social and Solidarity Economy is very much at the heart of plans to co-create a Healthy Corridor in the district of Nantes Nord and realise the full social, environmental and economic potential of the NBS that are being implemented.

Urban gardening becomes more and more important. In May, stakeholders gathered at the community center of the Healthy Corridor in Nantes Nord to discuss this topic.

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L’Ă©conomie sociale et solidaire est au cƓur du projet de co-crĂ©ation d’un corridor de santĂ© (Healthy Corridor) dans le quartier de Nantes Nord afin de rĂ©aliser le potentiel social, environnemental et Ă©conomique des solutions inspirĂ©es de la nature (NBS) en cours de mise en Ɠuvre.

Le jardinage urbain devient de plus en plus important. En mai, les parties prenantes se sont réunies au centre communautaire du Healthy Corridor de Nantes Nord pour discuter de ce sujet.

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Nantes Nord Living Lab

Un Living Lab pour Nantes Nord

Living Lab: a dedicated space

The city of Nantes in coordination with the local scientific partner, IRSTV, are working with local partners on the setting up of a physical space for the local Living Lab. In October 2020, Nantes mĂ©tropole unveiled a new bus, the “Mobil’o Project” which will serve as the mobile information centre and citizen dialogue kiosk for URBiNAT and the Projet Nantes Nord project.

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Living Lab : un espace dédié

La ville de Nantes, en coordination avec le partenaire scientifique local, l’IRSTV, travaille avec des partenaires locaux sur la mise en place d’un espace physique pour le Living Lab local.


A Healthy Corridor for Nantes Nord: the view from Nantes MĂ©tropole

Un Corridor Sain pour Nantes Nord : le point de vue de Nantes MĂ©tropole

Local URBiNAT Team

Equipe locale d'URBiNAT

Media Coverage & Project Resources

Couverture MĂ©diatique et Ressources du Projet

Project Resources

Ressources du Projet

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Project Deliverables

Academic Output

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Livrables du projet

Production Académique

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