The Cyprus Institute (CyI): OBSERVER

The Cyprus Institute (CYI) has been an observer of URBiNAT since April 2021. The purpose is for CYI to engage in URBiNAT activities and collaborate with URBiNAT as a means to share knowledge, develop joint research activities and promote the implementation of URBiNAT method and tools in the development of NBS in Cyprus.
Partnership with URBiNAT
Seminars and Workshops
Activities envisaged ahead include joint surveys and consultations with stakeholders, capitalization of co-design and participatory toolkits, development of collaborative research topics, lectures, seminars, and events.
As observers, CYI participates in URBiNAT communication activities and promotes project results in our channels and communication tools.

The Pedieos case study
The collaboration is coordinated by the Innovation Office at CyI and IKED on the part of URBiNAT. Experts involved from CyI include Prof. Adriana Bruggeman of our Energy Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) and Prof. Georgios Artopoulos of our Science and Technology for Archaeology and Culture Center (STAR-C), who both bring deep knowledge and broad field experience about the protection and regeneration of river basins and sustainable participatory urban design, as well as the effective connection with the current debate around the urban development of Nicosia and the establishment of the Pedieos river urban park.
The CYI has brought attention to the Pedieos case study as a means to bring strong and mutual benefit, as it could be a testbed for the project methodology, while its progress would be accelerated by the interaction with URBiNAT. Specific NBS in URBiNAT’s catalogue and associated practices and methods may be applied in this paradigmatic urban case, drawing on the expertise of the project network and resources that could be made available for this purpose. CYI is further open to collaborate with URBiNAT on securing future funding and support of the expansion and replication of joint actions.

The Pedieos River Basin with the Tamassos Dam in the foothills and the urban area of Nicosia downstream (left); google earth image of the linear park in the urban areas of Nicosia and Strovolos (right).

Relevant resources
CyI website https://www.cyi.ac.cy/
Hybrid heritage spaces (the moat of the old Nicosia as part of a system of urban parks)
The specificity of “quasi-public spaces” in Nicosia
Interactive Visualisation of Historic Nicosia
Giannakis, E., A. Bruggeman, D. Poulou, C. Zoumides and M. Eliades. 2016. Linear parks along urban rivers: perceptions of thermal comfort and climate change adaptation in Cyprus. Sustainability 8(10), 1023. https://doi.org/10.3390/su8101023
Charalambous, K., A. Bruggeman, N. Bakirtzis, M.A. Lange. 2016. Historical flooding of the Pedieos River in Nicosia, Cyprus. Water History 8(2):191-207. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12685-016-0162-1
Charalambous, K., A. Bruggeman, E. Giannakis, C. Zoumides. 2018. Improving Public Participation Processes for the Floods Directive and Flood Awareness: Evidence from Cyprus. Water 10(7), 958;https://doi.org/10.3390/w10070958
Verkerk, P.J., Libbrecht, S., Broekman, A., Bruggeman, A.,Daly-Hassen, H.,Giannakis, E., Jebari, S., Kok, K.,Klemenčič, A.K., Magjar, M., Martinez de Arano, I.,Robert, N., Sánchez, A., Smolar-Žvanut, N., Varela, E., Zoumides, C. 2017. A participatory approach for adapting river basins to climate change. Water 9(12), 958. https://doi.org/10.3390/w9120958
Georgios Artopoulos & Carlos Smaniotto Costa (2019) Data-Driven Processes in Participatory Urbanism: The “Smartness” of Historical Cities, Architecture and Culture, 7:3, 473-491, DOI: 10.1080/20507828.2019.1631061
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