
[WEF2023 Davos] Revamping Investment for Nature Regeneration

January 26, 2023

Luncheon on the sidelines of WEF 2023 in Davos

Together with the EU NBS Research and Innovation Task Forces and others, the platform for Water and Humanity (established with the support of URBiNAT), co-organized a Luncheon on Revamping Investment for Nature Regeneration on the sidelines of World Economic Forum 2023 in Davos.

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The luncheon, held on 18 January at the Morosani Post-Hotel, provided a platform for exchange and new idea-generation on how to innovate around the nature positive economy, reworking the interface between funding mechanisms and action on the ground.

Interactive break-out discussions were arranged at 6 tables, each with 10-11 participants. Each table addressed a specific topic, led by a moderator and with the outcomes reported by designated rapporteurs.

The results of these deliberations, featuring inputs from some 60 representatives of the banking and financial sector, the corporate sector, energy companies, along with policymakers from various countries, have been built on in subsquent work to help frame the next stage of impact-driven Nature Based Solutions financing. The EU NBS Research and Innovation Task Forces along with URBiNAT, the multistakeholder platform Water & Humanity and the Global Forum Shaping the Future Association frame important platforms in this respect.

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