The latest issue of CES-Contexto, No. 34, February 2024, titled Espaços em Público: Cultura e Espaços na (Des)Construção da Cidade (Public Spaces: Culture and Space in the (De)Construction of the City) delves into the relationship between public spaces and culture in the ongoing construction and deconstruction of cities. This special issue features two articles focusing on themes from the URBiNAT project: “Cultural Mapping in the City’s Co-creation Processes” and “Co-creating the City with Children: The URBiNAT Project in Campanhã, Porto.”
The first, authored by Nancy Duxbury, Nathalie Nunes, and Fernanda Curi, explores the concept of cultural mapping as an essential tool in urban co-creation processes. It provides an in-depth look at how this approach helps in understanding and integrating the diverse cultural elements of urban areas into planning and development strategies. The authors shed light on the importance of cultural mapping in enhancing community engagement and fostering more inclusive urban environments.
The second, authored by Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Fernanda Curi, and Vitório Leite, focuses on the innovative approach of involving children in the co-creation of urban spaces, as exemplified by the URBiNAT project in Campanhã, Porto. The paper highlights the educational and creative aspects of this initiative, emphasising the importance of understanding and nurturing a sense of belonging and agency among younger city residents. This approach not only involves children in shaping their environments but also encourages a collective vision for a more inclusive and participatory urban development.

Image: CES Contexto
Additionally, Carolina Quiroga’s contribution addresses the concept of belonging from a critical perspective, examining the construction of public spaces through a gendered lens and advocating for a more inclusive urban landscape.
This issue of CES-Contexto, enriched with commentary from Shirlei Torres Perez and Gonçalo Canto Moniz, offers a comprehensive view of contemporary challenges and strategies in urban development, emphasizing the role of culture and community engagement in creating dynamic and inclusive cities. It provides valuable insights for city planners, policymakers, and community advocates aiming to integrate cultural and participatory dimensions into urban regeneration efforts.