Urban Mushroom Farm, one of the NBS developed as part of the URBiNAT project, featured at the Biennale di Architettura 2021, Venice.
The Urban Mushroom Farm, one of the of the Technological Nature-Based Solutions developed by the Barcelona-based Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), as part of the URBiNAT project, was presented at this year’s Biennale di Architettura in Venice.
This NBS consists of a modular system developed to grow edible mushrooms in the urban environment, producing both food and construction materials.
The solution is composed by modules that are designed with two main aims: allocating the substrate needed to grow mushrooms and shaping the construction material that can be obtained from it.

Further reading..
For more information about the urban mushroom farm NBS, including the challenges it addresses, innovation aspects and the potential for replication and scalability, click HERE
You can also download a PDF version of this NBS ↙️
[NBS Card] Urban Mushroom Farm
The urban mushroom farm is a modular system developed to grow edible mushrooms in the urban environment, producing both food and construction materials. The solution is composed by modules that are designed with two main aims: allocating the substrate needed to grow mushrooms and shaping the construction material that can be obtained from it.
The surface of the modules is designed according to the climatic conditions of the installation site (e.g. solar radiation and humidity) to provide the optimal environment for the substrate to grow the mushrooms. With the aim of being as sustainable as possible, the modules can be also fabricated with ecological or recycled materials.
In addition to producing food and construction material, the solution acts as a demonstrator, creating ‘culture of caring’ for locally produced food and awareness about the potentials of mushroom farming in cities.