Highlights of the technical visit of the multiple NBS Healthy Corridor in Nantes Nord
On 1 & 2 June, local scientific partners and representatives of the URBiNAT Consortium came together to mark the final stages in the implementation of the Healthy Corridor in the Nantes Nord district.
The 2-day technical visit consisted of a series of walkthroughs and meetings with citizens, representatives of local associations and the local administration.

The morning of the first day started with an on-site visit of the URBiNAT Healthy Corridor in the Nantes Nord district La promenade de l’Amande – known as the Green Loop. Weather was at its best and, coincidentally, it happened to be URBiNAT’s 5th birthday ?
The Nantes Nord Healthy Corridor, the Green Loop, has been co-created together with the inhabitants from start to finish, with dialogue during all phases, starting from the conception over adjustments to the design of the logo.

Logo of the Green Loop “La promenade de l’Amande” - co-designed with the residents
Family gardens in the heart of the Parc de l’Amande
Located in the heart of the Parc de l’Amande, the public space has been used to create community and allotment gardens. Considering the current concerns about water management, the huts are equipped with a rainwater recovery system.
The “Mobil’O Project”, a mobile citizen information centre
The Mobil’O Project, this highly visible vehicle that travels around the city to meet residents and discuss projects, has proven to be very suitable for getting in touch with the young people and encouraging youth participation in the co-creation process.
A district health centre: La Maison de la Santé
To combat the inequalities in health that begin in childhood, a project for a multi-professional health centre has been launched in the Nantes Nord district. It is being carried out in co-construction with the stakeholders, residents and health professionals. The Maison de la Santé will not just be a medical centre, but a living space where people can improve or maintain their health on a daily basis.
Symbiose: More than rooftop farming…
In the heart of the Nantes-Nord district, a greenhouse has been built on the roof of a social housing building from the 1970s. This multifunctional greenhouse, known as Symbiose, can be used to grow vegetables and reduce energy consumption in the homes. Part of the heat generated by the greenhouse is used to heat the water in the building.
Applied circular and solidarity economy: “Le Petit Lieu”
The association Le Petit Lieu (the small place) is a solidarity second-hand center dedicated to young children. Its main objective is to combat social isolation and precariousness of families by offering a local, supportive recycling centre giving access to equipment that is accessible to all families but also by providing parenting support workshops.
The citizen dialogue
The first days’ technical visit ended with a meeting with the local district team and citizens.

Alain Yvrenogeau, Local Implementation Team at Nantes Métropole, and Gonçalo Canto Moniz, URBiNAT Project Coordination, in dialogue with citizens and representatives of the Nantes Nord Global Project.
During the discussions with citizens and representatives of the Nantes Nord Global Project the importance of the contribution of the European funding was underlined, as it made it possible to do things in a different way in this effort towards inclusive urban regeneration through nature-based solutions: Rethinking a neighbourhood together with its residents and with nature.
GLASS – the local group for nutrition, sport and health
On the second day, the programme included a visit of the urban garden, which has been developed as part of the URBiNAT project.
During this visit, the model of co-governance was presented, complemented by a presentation made by the local group for nutrition, sport and health GLASS (groupe locale alimentation sport et santé).