The Muscat Call 2022 - A Call for Action
Setting directions for the way forward
Initiated by Water & Humanity, a network to which URBiNAT is very committed as URBiNAT has contributed actively to its launch and development, the Muscat Call 2022 is a call for action – setting directions for the way forward. It draws on the Global Forum on Technology, Sustainability and Humanity, held in Muscat, Oman, October 17-19, 2022. Several of the URBiNAT partners took part in this event (see blog post).
However, beyond representing a report of the Global Forum on Technology, Sustainability and Humanity, the Muscat Call invites collaboration and joint efforts in taking on specific outstanding challenges.
The Muscat Call 2022 is action-oriented and aims to be practically relevant for addressing some of the most significant issues of our time. While clamouring what is at stake, the document highlights what is being achieved, or is under way, in response. Above all, it aims for inspiration and represents an invitation for diverse competences to come together in taking joint action to realize and scale solutions to prime outstanding issues confronting us all.

Browse the Muscat Call 2022 asย eBook