BEST PRACTICESSOCIAL & SOLIDARITY ECONOMY, — May 19, 2021 [WEBINAR] 2, 4 & 7 June 2021: The role of the Solidarity Economy to enhance the impact of NBS in urban regeneration projects
COVID-19 — June 4, 2021 [COVID-19 🇩🇰] Challenges, responses and solidarity in Høje-Taastrup As COVID-19 tore across Europe and the world it struck at the heart of our societies, taking lives and revealing in a harsher, more uncompromising lig...
CONFERENCE — March 17, 2021 [Conference 🇧🇷] URBiNAT at the IV ISA Forum of Sociology – Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality The IV ISA Forum of Sociology, held from 23rd to 28th of February 2021, was the first virtual Forum of the International Sociological Association. 58 ...